In 1962, following attendance to the 4th Acta Endocrinologica Congress in Geneva, Professor Andrea Prader invited 26 paediatricians and endocrinologists with an interest in foetal and paediatric issues to attend an informal post conference meeting and so the first ‘Paediatric Endocrinology Club’ was formed. These meetings provided young European Investigators with a platform to discuss Paediatric Endocrinology in-depth. ESPE was officially founded at the meeting in Copenhagen in 1965, with the mission ‘The Society shall promote knowledge of Paediatric Endocrinology in the widest Sense.’

The Society is also actively involved in promoting the interests of the general public and in advising on European health policy in the area of paediatric endocrinology. Please see our Mission Statement for more information about our vision and strategy as a Society.

Peter Clayton
Secretary General, ESPE, 2015-2019


ESPE is also a founding member of the International Consortium of Pediatric Endocrinology (ICPE), which exists to foster global collaboration in paediatric endocrinology.