Supporting the work of young paediatric endocrinologists of the future

Young ESPE (YES) Group provides early career support for this important community within paediatric endocrinology.

Who are the YES Group?

This dynamic group of early career ESPE members aims to create a space for young paediatric endocrinologists, so that they can share expertise and grow their careers through access to professional development, collaboration and research opportunities.

What do the YES Group do?

• Represent early career members within specific ESPE Committees
• Organise educational and networking events
• Collaborate with similar early career groups
• Provide mentorship opportunities for members
• Keep members up to date with the latest career opportunities

Why say ‘YES’?

• Hear from experts by joining educational webinars
• Receive updates on the latest job/research opportunities
• Access special forums for young members at a similar stage in their careers
• Have the opportunity to contribute to the running of ESPE

How can you sign up?

Sign up here
Please note that all applicants will receive a response withing 1 working week.

The YES Group is managed by 6 representatives who all sit within ESPE’s main committees, giving a voice to early career paediatric endocrinologists within ESPE.


Rade Vukovic

Rade Vukovic

Sommayya Aftab

Sommayya Aftab

Domenico Corica

Domenico Corica

Katja Dumic Kubat

Katja Dumic Kubat

Hussain Alsaffar

Hussain Alsaffar

Meera Shaunak

Meera Shaunak

Rasha Hamza

ETC Chair

Rasha Hamza

ETC Chair




Please complete the below application form to become a YES Group member:

YES Group Membership Application

YES group application

Section 1: Candidate - Personal details

e.g. Dr, Ms, Mr etc.
e.g. resident, fellow etc.
Are you an ESPE member?
Please list if multiple and include membership numbers
Maximum upload size: 104.86MB
Are you a PhD student or a trainee in paediatrics or (paediatric) endocrinology/diabetology?
Do you have less than or up to 5 years experience following obtaining the last degree (specialisation/fellowship/PhD)?

Section 2: Consent and declarations

Consent for storing submitted data
I confirm that all the information given on this form is my own and is correct