ESPE consensus and guideline documents are developed using explicit methodology based on three core principles:
- Development is carried out by multidisciplinary, nationally representative groups
- A systematic review is conducted to identify and critically appraise the evidence
- Recommendations are explicitly linked to the supporting evidence
- Consensus meeting and guideline proposals must be approved preliminarily by the CPC and definitively by the ESPE Council.
- All ESPE endorsed consensus meetings and guidelines should have a member of the CPC involved in the process of producing the consensus/guidelines from conception to completion.
- The CPC and the ESPE Council maintain the right to suggest additional experts that may be included in the consensus meeting or guideline development process.
- Financial support from other funding organisations must be sought and obtained prior to application. Additional cost incurred above the meeting budget will not be covered by ESPE.
- Meaningful progress must be made and reported every 6 months from the initiation of the guidelines; if not, there should be a need to reapply for ESPE endorsement.
- Lead authors must submit the progress report form every six months.
- Guidelines should be made available to ESPE members by publishing in an open access journal or in Hormone Research in Paediatrics
- All participants must declare any conflicts of interest prior to and at the start of the process/meeting
- It is expected that consensus guidelines should be completed and submitted for publication within 12-18 months following the initiation of the process