The 11th International Meeting of Paediatric Endocrinology (IMPE) will take place in Buenos Aires from 4-7 March 2023. For those not able to travel, we are offering on-demand registration, making IMPE 2023 a truly global meeting.
We are extending an extra 10% discount on registration to ESPE members – but act quickly, as this extended discount deadline is just over 2 weeks away.
Use this exclusive discount code on the payment page of the registration form: DISCOUNT10!
Discounted registration deadline: 13 February 2023
The International Program Organizing Committee, made up of representatives from the 13 ICPE societies, has brought together outstanding international speakers from across our specialism. Sessions will cover topics of major scientific, epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic impact, leading to improved patient outcomes.
The theme of our meeting is Equal opportunities in paediatric endocrine care around the world, helping to further the development of paediatric endocrinology across the globe. Whether you are a clinician, researcher, nurse, or allied health professional, IMPE 2023 has something for you.
The 11th International Meeting of Pediatric Endocrinology – IMPE2023 is to be held from the 4th to 7th of March 2023 in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This will be the first “Joint Meeting” taking place outside the ESPE and PES regions, and SLEP is the host under the umbrella of the ICPE – International Consortium of Pediatric Endocrinology.
The mission of ICPE is to continue enhancing the exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge on Pediatric Endocrinology around the world in an environment of camaraderie and strict scientific principles. There is still a huge disparity in the world regarding the opportunities for basic and continuous education of specialized capacities, as well as in the field of scientific and technological equipment. Therefore, the theme of IMPE 2023 Meeting is “Equal opportunities in pediatric endocrine care around the world”, offering participation and exchange opportunities in order to contribute to the development of Pediatric Endocrinology across the globe.
The International Program Organizing Committee, formed by representatives of the thirteen ICPE societies, has convened outstanding international speakers from different areas of expertise who shall contribute together with the participants to discuss and elucidate topics of major scientific, epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic impact that certainly shall be quickly translated into new knowledge for better patient´s care.
There will be interactive learning sessions and networking opportunities with peers from across the globe. The Programme is aimed at health professionals interested in pediatric endocrinology in primary, secondary and tertiary care.
Buenos Aires is the birthplace of the tango, and like the dance itself, is captivating and bustling with excited energy, tying well with the rich and diverse IMPE programme. The city of Buenos Aires is famous not only for its architectural beauty but also for its rich and permanent multicultural offer.
We look forward to seeing many of you in person, and we are also delighted to welcome those who will be joining us On-demand. Registration is required for all meeting participants. Early Bird registration fees are offered at a discounted rate. Register today!
However you are joining us, we look forward to seeing you and thank you for your participation in what is shaping up to be an excellent Meeting!