Balancing Life with OI: Pain and its impact
Date: 9-10 June 2023
Venue: Scandic Continental Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden
Lack of understanding and poor management of pain severely impacts the quality of life of children and adults with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI).
Under the title Balancing life with OI this topical meeting will focus on the neglected subject of the causes, assessment and management of pain in OI and its impact on physical and mental health, sleep, fatigue, mobility, relationships/families and work/life balance.
This topical meeting will offer the opportunity to present and discuss current research, treatment methods and other updates on OI-related pain. The meeting format will comprise a mix of longer talks from invited speakers, shorter talks based on submitted abstracts, workshops, panel discussions and poster presentations. Parts of the programme will be relevant for people working with other rare bone diseases.
Earlybird registration deadline: 31 January 2023
Abstract deadline: 6 March 2023