This is a busy time of year for ESPE and its members, with a wealth of opportunities to apply for.
Abstracts and Undergraduate Achievement Award
As you know, abstract submissions are now open for ESPE 2020 in Liverpool. This year, as well as the travel grants and meeting prizes that we ordinarily present for high scoring accepted abstracts, we have launched the ESPE Undergraduate Achievement Award, open to medical and non-medical students. Given the increasing emphasis on specialisation at an earlier stage in career development, we know how important it is to encourage and support students who have an interest in paediatric endocrinology. Six grants of up to €750 + free registration are available to enable recipients to attend ESPE 2020. Please do spread the word and encourage and sponsor applications from students with a research interest in the field. The deadline for abstracts is 6 April and the deadline to apply for the award is 15 April.
Research Fellowship
15 April is also the deadline for the ESPE Research Fellowship, which offers a grant of €140,000 to enable a talented young scientist, investigator, or paediatric endocrinologist to conduct research at a world leading institution. The Fellowship helps propel careers in paediatric endocrine clinical research and Drs Stanik and Chiavroli have filmed videos to explain how the Research Fellowship has benefited their careers. Head to our Research Fellowship web page to find out more.
Grant peer reviewers
If you are keen to support the highest quality research in paediatric endocrinology, I’d like to encourage you to lend your expertise to peer review grant applications in your field of interest. Our Science Committee is currently looking for peer reviewers for the Research Unit and Research Fellowship and it’s an ideal opportunity to support ESPE’s activities on an ad hoc basis. Please get in touch with the ESPE Team if you can peer review just 1-3 project applications.
Call for programme suggestions – ESPE 2021
With ESPE 2021 taking place in May to make way for the International Meeting of Paediatric Endocrinology in September that year, we are already planning the scientific programme. If you have ideas and suggestions for what should be included, please do let the Programme Organising Committee know via this form by 17 March. It would be great to know your areas of interest.
Council vacancies
Our Council members are instrumental in steering the Society, as well as ensuring our activities remain relevant and successful. We are currently welcoming applications to join Council as Chair of the Communication Committee, Chair of Science Committee or Chair of Strategic & Finance Committee. Being part of our governing body is a rewarding way to use your expertise to advance the field and the Society, as well as giving you opportunities to network and learn new things.
If you are interested in joining the team, please send us your application by 2 April. All the details are on our website and please let us know if you have any questions.
Working Group updates
Finally, if you have an interest in the specialist areas covered by our Working Groups, please do explore their web pages and get in touch with their coordinators if you would like to join the group or receive regular updates. In particular, the Gender Incongruence working group would like to compile an up-to-date email list, to be held confidentially by the convener, to alert regarding working group activities, request participation in projects and advise on the Annual General Meeting in Liverpool 2020. Please email the convener Gary Butler on if you would like to be added to this contact group.
Best wishes
ESPE Secretary General