Martine Cools

Chair Science Committee

IFCAH (International Fund Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia) is a private fundraising organisation aiming to promote academic research on Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Created in 2010 by parents of children affected by CAH (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia), IFCAH aims at giving a strong support to research dedicated to improve patients life’s quality.

With an initial total amount of €750,000, IFCAH hopes to encourage members of the international scientific community to get involved in this domain.

Participation is open worldwide and will, if possible, include teams based in Europe. ESPE is the primary support for this initiative, dedicated to improving understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease and its management. A total amount of €350,000 is available. Selected research projects will be supported up to €150,000.


Grant information

With an annual call for projects, IFCAH hopes to contribute to the emergence of new therapeutics of the disease and of its complications.


Develop better ways to treat CAH (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia), allowing people to live better, healthier lives by:

  • Encouraging the best research in the world on Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia to improve life’s quality of people concerned by the disease.
  • Contributing to develop new therapeutic approaches through funding of the most original research projects.

Specific goals

  • Increasing knowledge on pathophysiology of CAH.
    The projects should be relevant to CAH. The projects could include research on adrenal development, differentiation and homeostasis, but in any case, relevance to CAH should be emphasized. Research on adrenal tumours and cancer is excluded from this call.
  • Prevention, diagnostic and treatment of natural or iatrogenic complications.
  • Impact on foetal development, growth, puberty, effects on metabolic and cardiovascular systems, male and female fertility, bone density, immunity, infection, neuro cognition.
  • Proposition of new therapeutic targets and protocols
  • Pharmacotherapy, Development of gene or/and cellular therapy models.


  • Selected research projects will be supported up to €150,000 (total).
  • Funding period will have to start at the latest 6 months after notification of the award and will not exceed three years.
  • Funds will have to be used for expenses directly linked to the project, including specific equipment, operating costs or salaries of co-workers (with the exception of salaries of senior permanent staff of academic and governmental agencies which are not eligible). Indirect costs or managements fees are not eligible and must be covered by another source.

Eligibility criteria

Specific requirements

  • Applicants must hold an M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent academic degree and have a faculty position or equivalent at a college, university, medical school, or comparable institution.
  • Only one project from a research team will be considered.
  • Applications for the renewal of an IFCAH’s support are accepted but applications for a different project, from a team previously supported by IFCAH, will not be considered, up to the end of its former grant.

Selection criteria

The information given on LOI will enable the scientific board of IFCAH, ESPE and ESE to access the priority of the projects and to determine whether the proposed research merits a full application. Applicants will have to inform on project positioning versus international competitors. Full applications will be requested from selected LOIs and submitted to peer-review. Final selection will take place after an oral project’s presentation (on site in Paris or through video-conference) to the IFCAH, ESPE and ESE scientific board. More information about IFCAH is available on the IFCAH website or alternatively please contact Christine Rougeau, IFCAH Scientific Administrator.