The Research Fellowship enables talented early-career scientists, investigators, and paediatric endocrinologists to conduct research at leading institutions worldwide. This outstanding programme has helped launch powerful careers in leading-edge clinical research in paediatric endocrinology.
Grant information
- One Research Fellowship grant of €125,000 will be available for application for up to two years of research training in a centre of excellence, for those who are intending to pursue a career in paediatric endocrinology. This will also cover the living expenses of the fellow.
- An additional €15,000 is available for the two-year period, in addition to the €125,000, for consumable costs (travel and laboratory expenses). These costs need to be outlined in the application and original receipts will be required for payment of these costs. Please note the host/home institutions that supervise the fellow are not eligible to claim overhead costs.
- Travel and accommodation should be arranged by the fellow. In addition, travel costs are to be reasonable and kept to a minimum.
- The grant is dependent on sponsorship and application will open if budgets are in place.
Eligibility criteria
Specific requirements
- Applicants should be at pre-doctorate level and demonstrate an interest in, and potential for, performing high quality research in any field of paediatric endocrinology. However, please note that projects related to diabetes and obesity will not be considered in this call.
- Applicants should be based in Europe at the time of application.
NOTE: ESPE is not currently accepting grant applications from Russia or Belarus. - Applicants should be an ESPE member or should have applied for ESPE membership at the time of application. Apply here.
- The applicant will be proposed by their current Supervisor/Head of Department, who must be an ESPE member.
- Current members of the Science Committee and ESPE Council are not eligible to apply for this grant.
- Applications from candidates who are based in the same research group as any member of the Science Committee cannot be considered for the grant, i.e. members of the Science Committee cannot be involved in the development, execution or outcomes of the project, including any publications resulting from the grant to upcoming projects and activities, nor in the decision on the grant allocation.
- The fellowship can be held in the applicant’s current department or could be held at another institution with the relevant expertise in paediatric endocrinology.
- If the fellowship is held in the applicant’s current department, a period of time spent in another institution to, for instance, learn another technique would be viewed favourably but not mandatory.
- Please include a contingency plan for travel disruption in case of extenuating circumstances, whereby the research could be conducted at the home institution or delayed at the host institution.
- A grant must be activated within 6 months of receipt.
- No Principal Investigator can hold two Research Fellows at any one time. If they wish to apply again, they must have finished their previous project. Principal Investigators can however be supporting investigators in new applications whilst they hold a grant as PI. Applications will be selected on merit as per usual.
Selection criteria
The applications will be scored based on the following criteria:
- Applicant CV
- Host CV and institution
- Focus and quality of application
- Hypothesis
- Methodology and experimental design
- Potential for publication and further research
- Timing and feasibility
- Budget justification
- Benefit for applicant and home institution
- Relevance of the topic
If you have any queries regarding the scientific content of your application, please contact the Research Fellowship Convenor Professor Svetlana Lajic (svetlana.lajic@ki.se) for discussion. Any queries regarding documentation administration, both in the application stage and in the grant claim stage, should be directed toward the ESPE Office (espe@mci-group.com).
All applications will be subjected to a peer review by at least three members of the Science Committee Expert Panel, the Research Fellowship Convenor and one external expert in the field using the reviewer evaluation form.
This Fellowship succeeds the Nordisk Grant for the Study of Growth which was established in 1978 on the initiative of the late Professor Andrea Prader, the late Professor Henning Andersen and the late Henry Brennum (Nordisk Gentofte A/S). The Research Fellowship has been supported by an unrestricted grant from Novo Nordisk Health Care AG, Switzerland so far.
Grant winners
Manchester, UK
Kuopio, Finland
Zurich, Switzerland
Paris, France