I hope you managed to have a restful break over the holiday season. We are busy planning the first ever Joint Congress of ESPE and ESE which is only four months away! If you are planning to submit an abstract, please remember the deadline is coming up soon on the 3rd February.
Both ESPE and ESE offer travel grants to eligible members of each Society to support them in attending their Annual Meeting. These grants are intended to support the participation of junior delegates with attendance to the event if the applicant has submitted a high-quality abstract. Applications are still open for Travel Grants – make sure to apply by 3rd February!
There is still plenty of time to register for the event – you can take advantage of the early bird registration fee until 27th March.
Remember that ESPE members receive discount on the registration fee for the Joint Conference, you can easily become a member via the website.
ESPE membership offers an international forum for networking and collaborations with leading experts in the field. There are also a number of fantastic scientific and educational opportunities, including funding to access. Please make sure that you renew your ESPE membership to keep receiving the long list of benefits – simply log in to the Member’s Area of the website and follow the steps to renew.
Applications for the Undergraduate Achievement Award are also open until 3rd February. Open to all undergraduates, medical and non-medical, this award is given for scientific achievement in the specific field of paediatric endocrinology. Recipients will be awarded a free registration and a grant of €750 will be provided to support travel and accommodation to the recipient when attending the Joint Congress in May.
We are currently seeking applications for two ESPE members to join the Communications Committee. The Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of the ESPE communication strategy across multiple communication channels to further the engagement with members and the wider community.
We are also calling for applications for Chair of the Education and Training Committee. This committee co-ordinates ESPE Schools, Clinical Fellowship programme, accreditation and syllabus, online learning, and the Paediatric Endocrine Training Centres for Africa (PETCA) programme.
I hope many of you joined the recent ESPE Connect webinar earlier this month. If you would like to catch-up on the discussion on the management of monogenic, neonatal and rare forms of diabetes mellitus, the replay will be free for ESPE members to watch on-demand – keep an eye on the website. Save the date for our next webinar on Thursday 24th April when our expert panel will be discussing Cushing’s disease.
We have an excellent educational resource in the ESPE-ISPAD e-learning platform and I encourage everyone to familiarise themselves with it. This interactive learning environment is free-of-charge and includes many chapters based on learning categories of paediatric endocrinology and diabetes. It contains over 200 core and advanced level learning modules, chapters, and problem-solving cases on normal development, pathophysiological mechanisms, and current views on diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.
I am pleased to let you know that we now have 4 new sub groups who will focus on ESPE Snippets, reviewing the ESPE Syllabus, membership, and science – please keep an eye on the website and social media for updates. If you would like to be part of any of these, or future volunteer initiatives, please contact us.
All the very best,
Anita Hokken-Koelega
ESPE President