Newsletter Editorial Board Vacancy Position Available: Chair/Editor

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Newsletter Editorial Board Vacancy Position Available: Chair/Editor

January 9, 2023 All day

Would you like to chair ESPE’s friendly, knowledgeable, active Newsletter Editorial Board? As Chair of the Board you would also be Editor of ESPE’s popular and well-respected quarterly newsletter. You would be supported by the ESPE Team, as well as a sub-editor, who manages all schedules, editing and production.

The newsletter serves as a vital tool to report on ESPE’s many activities, as well as giving members information, updates and insight into important work being done across the field of paediatric endocrinology.  The newsletter has gone from strength to strength in recent years and will soon evolve further to be more accessible via different devices and to become more interactive.

Sarah Ehtisham will complete her second term of office as Chair in March 2023 and we are welcoming applications from ESPE members for an initial 3-year appointment, starting ideally at the Board meeting in January 2023 to enable a handover.

We particularly welcome applications from members who are organised, comfortable with medical writing and keen to disseminate interesting information from across the global paediatric endocrine community.

 The committee meets quarterly (once during the ESPE annual meeting; the rest virtually) and communicates by email throughout the rest of the year to compile each of the issues. The Newsletter Editorial Board is supported by the sub-Editor and the ESPE Team.

When appointing a candidate, consideration will be given to the diversity of the Editorial Board.

For further information about the role please contact the ESPE Team at: . To apply for the position, please send an electronic copy of your CV and a letter stating your suitability for the role to the ESPE Team at: by 12 December 2022.  The appointment will be recommended by the existing Editorial Board members and ratified by the ESPE Council.

All applicants should read the ESPE Committee Guidelines before applying.


January 9, 2023
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