I hope many of you have been able to take a well-deserved break in recent weeks.
As we approach the time that we would usually hold our annual meeting we will miss seeing you in person this year. We will however be gathering virtually as members for our Annual Business Meeting on Friday 11 September 15:00-16:00 CEST. We look forward to providing you with an update on the year more widely, as well as on our finances, governance and our future annual meetings. The agenda can be found on the link above and the ESPE Team will send all members in good standing a registration link and a voting link, so please do ensure your membership fees are up to date by 2 September.
As you will know, ESPE’s Clinical Practice Committee has produced a wide range of useful and informative patient information leaflets on paediatric endocrine and diabetes conditions. In order for these to aid more patients and their families, we are beginning a translation project. If you would like to help to translate the booklets for use as a resource in your country, please do read more about this and get in touch. We are prioritising French, Arabic, German, Dutch and Spanish to begin with, based on numbers of ESPE members and delegates. However, offers of translation into any language are welcomed, as long as your national paediatric endocrine society is able to approve the translation. Thank you to Dr Hussain Alsaffar in our Communications Committee for leading on this project.
While many of our activities have had to be postponed or adapted this year, we continue to support our members and the community as far as possible. We have several grants and fellowships open for application currently. So please do take a look at the available opportunities and we look forward to receiving your applications.
We have already had a large number of registrations for ESPE Connect Online, taking place 6-14 November. We’re really pleased that you’re looking forward to accessing the content. Free registration is available on our website and we welcome the submission of high quality research for our Hot Topics sessions by 7 September.
As always, you can find the latest information, dates and deadlines on our website and we welcome your feedback.
Best wishes,
ESPE Secretary General