Although the 2021 Annual Meeting has now passed, momentum has not slowed down. The second of the ESPE Connect Webinar series aired on 12 October, on Noonan Syndrome. Professor Mehul Dattani, Dr Juan Pablo Kaski, Dr Emma Burkitt Wright and Professor Bradley S Miller provided an excellent session and we look forward to announcing the next in the series soon.
We are looking forward to the 2021 Science Symposium being held virtually over the last weekend of this month and hearing back from our colleagues who will be attending. The programme is excellent and ESPE are very happy to announce that the next Science Symposium will be hosted at the Princess Máxima Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands in October 2022. The topic will be Hypothalamic Dysfunction in Childhood, further details can be found here.
ESPE also continues to provide important funding for the advancement of research in the field. There are currently several grants open for applications, including the ESPE Research Unit Grant. This collaborative research grant aims to foster, facilitate, co-ordinate and identify topics for high quality research in paediatric endocrinology, for both physicians and scientists. The grant of €100,000 is for 2 years (up to €50 000 per year). It covers salary, materials and consumables, small items of equipment, collaborative visits and overheads that should be less than 10% of the total value. Preliminary applications open 1 November, find full details here.
You can now nominate your colleagues for the ESPE 2022 awards, with opportunities to celebrate clinical and scientific achievement from across the world and at different career stages. Please view our website for more information and submit your nominations by 10 December.
The ECPE (Early Career Paediatric Endocrinologist) Taskforce is coming together for their first meeting this month, five members having been appointed from many of fantastic candidates. Likewise, the Rare Disease Advisory Group is also meeting at the beginning of November to give project updates and discuss upcoming activites. Both of these groups are a fantastic example of colleagues coming together in the spirit of collaboration and progress.
As we continue to face the challenges brought on by COVID-19, it is heartwarming to see the continued empathy and support that is given so freely in these difficult times. While some areas are able to rebuild and move forwards, some are still embroiled in the day to day battle with the pandemic. Our thoughts are with those colleagues and the puclic around the world who continue to face the struggle head on.
I wish you all the very best for your health, safety and day-to-day lives.
Best wishes,
ESPE Secretary General